Docker For Microsoft Windows

Accelerate going from code to Cloud with Docker Desktop and Microsoft

Hyper-V is a native hypervisor for Windows 10 which can be used to create and run virtual machines. Hyper-V is on the route to becoming the legacy option to run containers on Windows 10, as docker is planning to use WSL as its main backend to run containers. But you still need Hyper-V if you want to run Docker native Windows containers. This has little to do with the permissions on the host (ie windows). When you share the drive in Docker for Windows you provide a username/password in the dialog box. This is passed to the Linux VM which uses these credentials to SMB mount the drive. Inside the VM the directories are mounted with the default user and permission (root and 0755).

Docker and Microsoft have simplified the developer flow of bringing container applications from your local machine and running them in Azure Container Instances (ACI). Together, this partnership helps increase developer productivity by offering a seamless context switch and simplified workflow, This process improvement enables developers to use the Docker CLI to spin up and manage containers running in ACI.

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Additional Resources


To learn more about how Docker and Microsoft are partnering, the following resources are available for you to review.

Resources for Developers:

Shortening the developer commute with Docker and Microsoft Azure blog

DockerCon 2020 - The Microsoft Sessions blog

Running a container in Microsoft Azure Container Instances (ACI) with Docker Desktop Edge blog

How To Deploy Containers to Azure ACI using Docker CLI and Compose blog

Docker Desktop & WSL 2 – Backport Update blog

VSCode Docker Extension DockTalk


Resources from Microsoft:

Docker Microsoft Windows Server 2016

Microsoft and Docker collaborate on new ways to deploy containers on Azure blog

Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Platform and Tools article

Docker Desktop For Windows Microsoft

Open Standards:

Docker For Microsoft Windows 8

Learn more the Cloud Native Application Bundles (CNAB) website

Docker Microsoft/windowsservercore

Learn more about the Compose Specification website