Docker Engine Ubuntu

Today we are delighted to introduce the new Minimal Ubuntu, optimized for automated use at scale, with a tiny package set and minimal security cross-section. Speed, performance and stability are primary concerns for cloud developers and ops.

  1. Docker Engine Ubuntu
  2. Docker Engine Ubuntu 20.04
  3. How To Start Docker Engine Ubuntu

Sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine Step 3: Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 To install Docker on Ubuntu, in the terminal window enter the command. Images of Minimal Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS are available for use now in Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine (GCE), LXD and KVM/OpenStack. Tiny container base image The 29MB Docker image for Minimal Ubuntu 18.04 LTS serves as a highly efficient container starting point, and allows developers to deploy multicloud containerized applications.

Oct 22, 2018 sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine Step 3: Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 To install Docker on Ubuntu, in the terminal window enter the command.

“The small footprint of Minimal Ubuntu, when deployed with fast VM provisioning from GCE, helps deliver drastically improved boot times, making them a great choice for developers looking to build their applications on Google Cloud Platform,” said Paul Nash, Group Product Manager, Google Cloud.”

Smaller and faster, for automated cloud operations

Minimal Ubuntu is the smallest Ubuntu base image for your cloud operations. These images are less than 50% the size of the standard Ubuntu server image, and boot up to 40% faster. Images of Minimal Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS are available for use now in Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine (GCE), LXD and KVM/OpenStack.

Tiny container base image

The 29MB Docker image for Minimal Ubuntu 18.04 LTS serves as a highly efficient container starting point, and allows developers to deploy multicloud containerized applications faster. For modern Docker workflows with Kubernetes, the minimal Ubuntu image provides a balance of compatibility, familiarity, performance and size. This is the standard Ubuntu 18.04 LTS image on the Docker Hub.

Cloud images also contain the optimised kernel for each cloud and supporting boot utilities.

Fully compatible with all Ubuntu packages

While the footprint of Minimal Ubuntu is greatly reduced, it preserves full compatibility with standard Ubuntu operations. Any Ubuntu package can be installed on Minimal Ubuntu. Get exactly the image you need by simply adding your required packages, with dependencies, to a Minimal Ubuntu base image.

Minimal Ubuntu is designed for completely automated operations, with none of the usual human-friendly utilities for comfortable interactive usage. Editors, documentation, locales and other user-oriented features of Ubuntu Server have been removed. What remains are only the vital components of the boot sequence. Images still contain ssh, apt and snapd so you can connect and install any package you’re missing. The unminimize tool lets you ‘rehydrate’ your image into a familiar Ubuntu server package set, suitable for command line interaction.

Optimized for cloud hypervisors

Docker Engine Ubuntu

Minimal Ubuntu uses the optimized kernels on Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud. The downloadable Minimal Ubuntu image ships with a KVM-optimised kernel and tuned for boot speed and size.

Minimized security cross-section

With fewer installed packages, Minimal Ubuntu images will avoid some security vulnerabilities and require fewer updates over time. Use of Minimal Ubuntu will reduce overall bandwidth consumption for an institution and require less storage.

Download for private clouds, published on public clouds

Minimal Ubuntu images for private clouds are available for download at

Docker Engine Ubuntu 20.04

Minimal Ubuntu images are available on AWS and Google Cloud.

On AWS, see the listing of minimal images at US-WEST 2 minimal images

and on Google Cloud use the SDK CLI with:

Using Minimal Images from Dockerhub

On Dockerhub, the new Ubuntu 18.04 LTS image is now the new Minimal Ubuntu 18.04 image. Launching a Docker instance with docker run ubuntu:18.04 therefore launches a Docker instance with the latest Minimal Ubuntu.

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Supported platforms

Docker Engine is available on a variety of Linux platforms,macOS and Windows 10through Docker Desktop, and as a static binary installation. Findyour preferred operating system below.


Platformx86_64 / amd64
Docker Desktop for Mac (macOS)
Docker Desktop for Windows



Docker provides .deb and .rpm packages from the following Linux distributionsand architectures:

Platformx86_64 / amd64ARMARM64 / AARCH64

Other Linux distributions


While the instructions below may work, Docker does not test or verifyinstallation on derivatives.

Docker engine - ubuntu (community)
  • Users of Debian derivatives such as “BunsenLabs Linux”, “Kali Linux” or “LMDE” (Debian-based Mint) should follow the installation instructions forDebian, substituting the version of their distro for thecorresponding Debian release. Refer to the documentation of your distro to findwhich Debian release corresponds with your derivative version.
  • Likewise, users of Ubuntu derivatives such as “Kubuntu”, “Lubuntu” or “Xubuntu”should follow the installation instructions for Ubuntu,substituting the version of their distro for the corresponding Ubuntu release.Refer to the documentation of your distro to find which Ubuntu releasecorresponds with your derivative version.
  • Some Linux distributions are providing a package of Docker Engine through theirpackage repositories. These packages are built and maintained by the Linuxdistribution’s package maintainers and may have differences in configurationor built from modified source code. Docker is not involved in releasing thesepackages and bugs or issues involving these packages should be reported inyour Linux distribution’s issue tracker.

Docker provides binaries for manual installation of Docker Engine.These binaries are statically linked and can be used on any Linux distribution.

Release channels

Docker Engine has three types of update channels, stable, test,and nightly:

  • The Stable channel gives you latest releases for general availability.
  • The Test channel gives pre-releases that are ready for testing beforegeneral availability (GA).
  • The Nightly channel gives you latest builds of work in progress for thenext major release.


Year-month releases are made from a release branch diverged from the masterbranch. The branch is created with format <year>.<month>, for example19.03. The year-month name indicates the earliest possible calendarmonth to expect the release to be generally available. All further patchreleases are performed from that branch. For example, once v19.03.0 isreleased, all subsequent patch releases are built from the 19.03 branch.


In preparation for a new year-month release, a branch is created fromthe master branch with format when the milestones desired byDocker for the release have achieved feature-complete. Pre-releasessuch as betas and release candidates are conducted from their respective releasebranches. Patch releases and the corresponding pre-releases are performedfrom within the corresponding release branch.


Nightly builds give you the latest builds of work in progress for the next majorrelease. They are created once per day from the master branch with the versionformat:

where the time is the commit time in UTC and the final suffix is the prefixof the commit hash, for example 0.0.0-20180720214833-f61e0f7.

These builds allow for testing from the latest code on the master branch. Noqualifications or guarantees are made for the nightly builds.


Docker Engine releases of a year-month branch are supported with patches asneeded for one month after the next year-month general availability release.

This means bug reports and backports to release branches are assesseduntil the end-of-life date.

After the year-month branch has reached end-of-life, the branch may bedeleted from the repository.


Backports to the Docker products are prioritized by the Docker company. ADocker employee or repository maintainer will endeavour to ensure sensiblebugfixes make it into active releases.

If there are important fixes that ought to be considered for backport toactive release branches, be sure to highlight this in the PR descriptionor by adding a comment to the PR.

Upgrade path

Patch releases are always backward compatible with its year-month version.


Docker is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. SeeLICENSE for the fulllicense text.

Reporting security issues

The Docker maintainers take security seriously. If you discover a securityissue, please bring it to their attention right away!

Please DO NOT file a public issue; instead send your report privatelyto

Security reports are greatly appreciated, and Docker will publicly thank youfor it.

Get started

After setting up Docker, you can learn the basics withGetting started with Docker.

How To Start Docker Engine Ubuntu

docker, installation, install, Docker Engine, Docker Engine, docker editions, stable, edge