Docker Homebrew

Homebrew/brew and Homebrew/homebrew-core were updated so non-administrators on those repositories cannot push directly to master. Most repositories in the Homebrew organisation (notably not Homebrew/homebrew-core due to their current workflow and maintainer requests) were also updated to require CI checks from a pull request to pass before. Our pre-compiled binary packages and Docker images include a self-contained Python 3 environment, a recent version of OpenSSL that support ALPN and HTTP/2, and other dependencies that would otherwise be cumbersome to compile and install. Dependencies in the binary packages are frozen on release, and can’t be updated in situ. 2 days ago Installing via Homebrew # Installing via Homebrew brew install wp-cli Here’s the formula. Top ↑ Installing via Docker # Installing via Docker. The Docker community maintains WordPress and WP-CLI images. To include the WP-CLI image in your own project: image: wordpress:cli Top ↑ Installing on Windows # Installing on Windows. That is correct- you could use virtualbox’s port forwarding feature. You would probably have to bind to the NAT interface’s address instead of though: docker run -p (assuming is the IP of your VM’s interface attached to the virtualbox NAT network). Installing via Homebrew # Installing via Homebrew brew install wp-cli Here’s the formula. Top ↑ Installing via Docker # Installing via Docker. The Docker community maintains WordPress and WP-CLI images. To include the WP-CLI image in your own project: image: wordpress:cli Top ↑ Installing on Windows # Installing on Windows.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Compose comes with command completionfor the bash and zsh shell.

Install command completion


Make sure bash completion is installed.


  1. On a current Linux OS (in a non-minimal installation), bash completion should beavailable.

  2. Place the completion script in /etc/bash_completion.d/.

  3. Reload your terminal. You can close and then open a new terminal, or reload your setting with source ~/.bashrc command in your current terminal.


Install via Homebrew
  1. Install with brew install bash-completion.
  2. After the installation, Brew displays the installation path. Make sure to place the completion script in the path.

    For example, place the completion script in /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/.

  3. Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile:

  4. You can source your ~/.bash_profile or launch a new terminal to utilizecompletion.
Install via MacPorts
  1. Run sudo port install bash-completion to install bash completion.

  2. Add the following lines to ~/.bash_profile:

  3. You can source your ~/.bash_profile or launch a new terminal to utilizecompletion.

Docker Homebrew


Make sure you have installed oh-my-zsh on your computer.

With oh-my-zsh shell

Add docker and docker-compose to the plugins list in ~/.zshrc to runautocompletion within the oh-my-zsh shell. In the following example, ..represent other Zsh plugins you may have installed.

Without oh-my-zsh shell

  1. Place the completion script in your /path/to/zsh/completion (typically ~/.zsh/completion/):

  2. Include the directory in your $fpath by adding in ~/.zshrc:

  3. Make sure compinit is loaded or do it by adding in ~/.zshrc:

  4. Then reload your shell:

Available completions

Depending on what you typed on the command line so far, it completes:

  • available docker-compose commands
  • options that are available for a particular command
  • service names that make sense in a given context, such as services with running or stopped instances or services based on images vs. services based on Dockerfiles. For docker-compose scale, completed service names automatically have “=” appended.
  • arguments for selected options. For example, docker-compose kill -s completes some signals like SIGHUP and SIGUSR1.

Enjoy working with Compose faster and with fewer typos!

Compose documentation

fig, composition, compose, docker, orchestration, cli, reference


This tutorial will explain how to run Redis with Docker Compose. Compose is designed to run multi-container Docker applications using a YAML file for configuring the application’s services. Once configured, all the functions can then be created and started with a single command. This article will provide precise instructions on how to build a Docker container, run Redis with Docker Compose and how to deal with various errors.


Docker must be installed on the host machine or server running the Redis container. Execute thedocker -v command to confirm the currently installed Docker engine version.

Use Docker pull to download the Redis image

The following docker pull command can be used to download the image before building the container:

docker pull bitnami/redis

Note that the official Redis and Bitnami images currently uses the Debian 9 “stretch” version of Linux.

Run Redis with Docker

The default command from the Docker hub profile for Bitnami Redis allows the use of an empty password, as shown in the following example:

docker run --name redis_cont

NOTE: The ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD setting should only be used for development purposes.

Bind the Redis port when running Docker

The 6379 Redis port can also be bound to the host machine as follows:

As shown in the following representation, Docker will download the image and run the container in the foreground:

Bind a local volume for persistent Redis data

Following is another run example that bind mounts a local directory to the container’s volume:

docker run -p6379:6379-d
--name redis_cont
bitnami/redis:latest # <-- Redis image

Note that the above command will allow for persistent data to remain even if the container is destroyed.

Start the Redis server


The redis-server command can be used to start the Redis server, or the redis-server -v command can be used to obtain the version number for the Redis server installed on the container. Execute the following ping command to get a response from the server:

Docker error – invalid reference format

If the previous docker run command returns an invalid reference format error, try removing the -name tag or use the redis:latest command to pull from the latest image, as shown here:

docker run -p6379:6379/tcp -d redis:latest

Stop the Docker container

To stop the container, execute the docker stop command followed by the container’s ID, as shown here:

NOTE: Be certain to execute the above command in a terminal window that isn’t running the container in the foreground.

Homebrew docker m1

Redis server cannot create server

If a “Could not create server TCP listening socket *:6379: bind: Address already in use” error appears, try stopping and then removing the container.

If ps is installed with the image’s Linux distro, use ps -ef | grep redis command to search for all of the Redis processes and then execute the kill -9 command followed by the process ID to stop the operation.

Stop Redis on the host machine

In this scenario, there is typicaly a port conflict due to another instance of Redis running on the host machine. To fix this issue, exit out of the interactive execution of the container and stop the Redis server.

On a Homebrew installation of Redis on MacOS, stop the service with the following command:

brew services stop redis

If Redis is still running, try stopping the container with the docker stop command and then removing the container with the docker rm command. Now run the container again, changing the host machine’s port as follows:

If all else fails, connect to the interactive client for Redis with the redis-cli command and then use the shutdown command.

In Linux, the following command may also be effective:

Docker Homebrew Daemon

/etc/init.d/redis-server stop

Run Redis with Compose

There aren’t any environment variables that can be set using the docker-compose.yml file. However, some functions can be modified with the redis.conf file.

Docker homebrew command

Create a config file for Redis

To inject a custom configuration file for Redis when building the Docker container, create the redis.config file somewhere in the project directory and download a version of the config file that matches the version found on the Redis website.

Adobe flash player 64 bit for macos catalina installer. Adobe Creative Suite (CS) is a discontinued software suite of graphic design, video editing, and web development applications developed by Adobe Systems.Each edition consisted of several Adobe applications, such as Photoshop, Acrobat, Premiere Pro or After Effects, InDesign, and Illustrator, which became industry standard applications for many graphic design positions. Adobe Dreamweaver CC is a web design and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) application that is used to develop and design websites. Dreamweaver includes a code editor that supports syntax highlighting, code completion, real-time syntax checking, and code introspection for generating code hints to assist the user in writing code.

The following configurations will specify a bound IP address and port:

Create a Docker-Compose file for Redis

Be certain to specify the relative path for the redis.conf file and for the Redis data. A password can be specified by invoking the redis-server --requirepass command under the command: field, as shown here:

version: '3.2'

: 'redis:alpine'

: redis-server --requirepass sOmE_sEcUrE_pAsS

- '6379:6379'

- $PWD/redis-data:/var/lib/redis
- $PWD/redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf


# networking for the Redis container
: default
- subnet

Docker Homebrew Linux

The above networks: fields will assign the container an IP address of The 'redis-alpine' image will install Redis on a barebones “Alpine” distro of Linux.

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Docker Homebrew Server

Build the Redis with Docker Compose

Now save all of the settings and then execute the following docker-compose command to spin-up the container, after it is built from the YAML configuration:

The container should now be running in the foreground of the terminal window. Open another terminal instance, or a new tab, and use the docker ps command to have Docker return the container’s alpha-numeric ID.

Run commands in the Redis container

With the container ID obtained, use the ID to execute commands and connect to the Docker-Compose container interactively. Execute the following docker exec -it command to get access to its bash shell:


Docker Homebrew Equipment

docker exec-it{CONTAINER_ID}sh

NOTE: When executing the above command, be absolutely certain to replace {CONTAINER_ID} with the actual ID of the container.

Now type exit to disconnect from the container. To shutdown the container, execute the docker-compose down command in the same directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located.


This tutorial explained how to run Redis with Docker Compose. This article covered how to use Docker pull to download the Redis image, how to run Redis with Docker, how to bind the Redis port when running Docker, bind a local volume for persistent Redis data and start the Redis server. The tutorial also covered how to remedy errors, stop the Docker container, run Redis with Compose and how to create a config and various other files for Redis. Remember that it is absolutely critical to replace the {CONTAINER_ID} placeholder with the actual ID of the container when executing the docker exec -it command to get access to its bash shell.
